We believe that sleep is a family issue. When we work with a child or infant sleep challenge, we take an integrative approach using the Baby-Led Sleep Approach™ and explore all aspects of a family's life that affect sleep. Doing so allows us to make changes without using any sleep training and generate solutions at the root of the problem, rather than solely addressing the behaviour using traditional sleep training methodologies.

We will help you to make changes gradually in a way that honours and respects your family and your children. We take into account every family member and every family's unique needs when building a sleep solution.  This ensures it aligns with your family's values and is sustainable long after our time together is complete.

The Baby-Led Sleep Approach™ helps parents find sleep solutions through responsive parenting practices while building connected relationships. We are passionate about helping families improve sleep without resorting to sleep training, we use a program that:

  • respects and nurtures the attachment system;
  • supports the natural progression of development;
  • gives parents an understanding of what “normal” baby sleep looks like;
  • appreciates your baby’s still-developing brain and dominant survival instinct;
  • encourages parents to believe and to follow their own instincts; and
  • empowers a mother to make changes to improve the quality of her baby’s sleep.

When it comes to sleep, we have several forms of support available. We recommend starting with The Baby Sleep Course.